In consideration of the undertaking by the Office of Graduate Admission to process this information, the applicant agrees that the information furnished on the Application for Graduate Admission, together with all information on materials of any kind received by the Admission from any source, or prepared by anyone at its request, shall be, to the extent permitted by federal law, completely confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone, including the candidate and family, except that the Director of Graduate Enrollment, may, for official purposes at his/her discretion, disclose any part or all thereof to such person or persons as he/she deems advisable. It is also agreed that the University has permission to use in its publications or other promotions any University photograph in which this applicant may appear and his or her name. I certify that all information submitted in the admission process — including this application and any other supporting materials — is my own work, factually true, and honestly presented, and that these documents will become the property of the institution to which I am applying and will not be returned to me. I understand that I may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation, expulsion, or revocation of course credit, grades, and degree should the information I have certified be false. I agree to notify the University should there be any change to the information requested in this application. I acknowledge that I have reviewed the application instructions for the college receiving this application. I understand that all offers of admission are conditional, pending receipt of final transcripts showing work comparable in quality to that upon which the offer was based, as well as honorable dismissal from the school. By entering my full name below as a signature, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the above conditions